LG G3 Review

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The LG G3 is definitely something that LG produced, and which was most eagerly awaited. This successor of the already quite popular G2 model, which returned the focus of the public to LG as a manufacturer of top Android phones, has arrived in our country as well.

Still, the G2 may have turned the stage light on this South Korean company, but the G3 has just brought sighs and a wish from fans of good Android that they simply must have this device. It seems to me that it was only with this model that LG managed to tear off part of the cake from Samsung, LG, and Sony. This phone is the biggest competitor to names like Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One M8. The LG G3 arrived in our offer and we turned it around a bit. Let’s take a look together at what LG has managed to do.

LG G3 design

First. This phone is quite large. With dimensions of 146.3 x 74.6 x 8.9 mm this becomes a little clearer, but obviously only when you pick up the LG G3. That shouldn’t surprise you considering the 5.5-inch screen, so it can be said that this device is on the border of a smartphone – a phablet.

For pure comparison, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has the same screen size. So, this is the right thing for fans of large devices. The whole design concept of the phone is put on the screen and it really looks like the rest of the phone is cast around the screen. Due to the large screen, and due to this design, the LG G3 looks bigger than its direct competitors.

It would be wrong to say that the phone is difficult to use. The phone itself weighs less than 150g, but its dimensions will prevent you from reaching the corners of the screen with the fingers of one hand. It often happens that you have similar problems with smaller phones, so LG’s decision to put the main keys in the back is, in fact, a good one. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have a chance to turn off the screen with the key on the top of the phone, where it usually belongs.

The slightly rounded shape gives the phone a chance to lie securely in your hand. Precisely because the phone is not flat, there are a lot of side surfaces on which the hand rests, so it fits nicely. The first impression is that the phone is easier to hold than the HTC One M8, which has a metal case, which may be nicer, but which, due to its weight, “runs” a little with your hands.

Speaking of competitors, the LG G3 is better designed than Samsung’s best phone. When it comes to the Xperia Z2, it’s a bit harder to give an answer, because Sony has done a great job with this phone, because if nothing else the LG G3 is more convenient to use.

To conclude this chapter. The LG G3 doesn’t have a metal body like HTC’s ace, but LG has managed to make a great size-to-weight ratio, so the LG G3 is unexpectedly practical despite its bulky dimensions.

The plastic from which the surface is made looks good, and the back cover can be removed, so that the battery can be accessed, which can also be removed, which is rarely seen with better phones, but certainly pleasant. LG has managed to put the screen in focus to the maximum and who likes that, the LG G3 has no equal at the moment.

LG G3 screen

Official data says that the LG G3 comes with a screen that pushes the current boundaries. Instead of the usual full HD screens, the LG G3 uses a quad HD display with a fantastic resolution of 1440 × 2560 pixels. Now, I guess you assume the picture is top-notch.

To better understand how good the picture is, here is another piece of information. The phone has more pixels per inch (even on such a large diagonal) than the competition. That number is 538. By comparison, the HTC One M8 has 440 pixels per inch!

It is true that the LG G3 does not have a 4k screen, like some competitors, but that is probably not crucial, because to see the full potential of such a screen you must have some video recorded in the mentioned resolution, and you will have to wait a bit because it is evolution 4k devices in the initial phase. What you can see with the naked eye is the amazing colors and sharpness of the image. The picture is so pleasing to the eye that you will immediately fall in love with this phone.

When other things are important for the quality of one screen in question, the LG G3 is still flawless. The viewing angles of this screen are quite large, and the image quality, when exposed to sunlight, is very, very good, so you won’t have to hide in the shade to read a new message or see who is calling you.

All this is understandable when we know that the LG G3 is a high-end phone that costs quite a bit. However, LG did not force all the hardware capabilities of its new favorite but tried to keep everything in its place, with experience and measure. This can be seen in the user interface, which is extremely moderate and reduced to a reasonable level. Apart from the background photos that shine with so many pixels, the menus themselves are quite modest, but also simple, clear, and likable.

LG G3 specification and performance

The LG G3 is equipped with one of the most powerful mobile processors at the moment. The four-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 runs at 2.5GHz and along with 2GB of RAM makes sure everything works like a Swiss watch. LG offers the phone in two variants, 16 and 32GB, so its price varies accordingly. That choice is up to you, and I can only tell you that if the more generous version seems too expensive to you, you always have a memory card at your disposal with which the LG G3 can be turned into a small portable hard drive.

When it comes to the operation of the phone, as expected, there is no objection. All applications open instantly. If you ask me which phone is faster, Galaxy S5 or LG G3, I would not know to answer you, because even if there is a difference, it is minimal. But let’s be realistic, for 80% of users, even weaker processors do a great job. The LG G3 really works perfectly, even when you turn on some game requirements. So when it comes to working, this phone does it at the speed of light.

When it comes to battery life, the LG G3 uses one with a capacity of 3,000mAh. Its duration is perhaps the first minor objection we have encountered. Let’s be clear, the LG G3 can last all day, that’s clear to everyone. However, it seems that the phone consumes energy faster than similar models, which is most likely a consequence of the screen with a lot of pixels.

There is nothing else to be because the other components are more or less similar to the competitors, which still manage to save a few mAh more than the LG G3. As the screen is too good, I think you can reduce its brightness without losing quality, and thus extend battery life. In any case, when you wake up you will have to put the phone on charge.

LG G3 software

We have already touched on the story on this topic. LG was sensible in adapting the interface to this great machine. The manufacturer got rid of the pressure that everything must be new and aggressive. However, if you take another LG phone, you will see that there are differences, which is understandable because the LG G3 must be different from the others. Even a little.

LG has also installed some of its advanced features here. There are, above all, LG Health and Smart Tips, which monitor your health. Of course, the LG G3 allows a large number of customizations to the needs of users, from animations to changing fonts and themes.

LG G3 also supports a number of shortcuts, so if you press the lower part of the volume key, the camera is activated. There are quite a few of these shortcuts and they are very useful because sometimes you don’t even have to turn on your phone to do something. All in all, the KitKat Android-based interface will be a real refreshment for most because it has been reduced to a moderate extent.

LG G3 camera

The camera is the segment that is most expected when it comes to the LG G3. The phone uses a 13MP camera, with optical stabilization, dual flash, and a new laser autofocus system. Basically, you just tap the screen and the camera quickly focuses and takes photos. If you want to give yourself more credit for a good photo, there are various modes and options available.

Whether autofocus is as fast as LG announced is a question, but in practice, it does so very quickly. The photos are really great. The camera has the option of automatic HDR recording, so whenever the need arises for this mode, the camera will turn it on itself, and you will get great photos. This is probably the biggest difference compared to rivals, because not only do you get fast but also better quality photos from them.

When the light is there, the photos are full of detail, clean, and with a good “capture” of light sources and clouds. When light is scarce, the results are still impressive. With little noise, the photos are of excellent quality, but it is expected to take longer to take a photo.

Compared to competing cameras, the one with the LG G3 works faster and takes better photos. The camera menu is a bit poorer, but it will benefit most, so as not to get lost in the sea of ​​options and settings. This way you just click and the photo is there for a moment.

The auxiliary camera has 2.1MP and is also good. Although it is intended for selfies and video calls, the level of detail is at a high level, and it offers a large swarm of options, especially those intended for taking profile photos. For example, you can choose one called Magic Focus, which takes a series of your photos, and in the end, you just choose the one that is best.

LG G3 Conclusion

To get a complete impression of this phone you need to spend a lot of time with it. However, as time is not an ally of those who want to know what the LG G3 is like, then we will have to hurry to come to a conclusion. LG has made a great device. There is no dilemma in that. The LG G3 continues on the path to the glory traced by the LG G2. This is the first phone with a quad HD screen, on which everything looks fantastic.

The LG G3 outperforms the Galaxy S5 and One M8 in many ways, except perhaps in terms of battery life. The camera is up to the task, both in terms of the quality of the photos and the speed at which it works. The LG G3 delivers a contemporary, likable and practical design, with a screen that dominates the panorama.

Despite being made of plastic, the LG G3 doesn’t seem to lag behind the metallic One M8 from HTC. Without a doubt, the LG G3 is the best player in the selection of the company from South Korea. In terms of price,

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